Online reputation managementMedia monitoringTracking your competitionmade easy

Get instant access to brand mentions across social, news, blogs, videos, forums, podcasts, reviews and more.

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Protect your online reputation

Follow up on positive comments from your brand ambassadors & respond to a dissatisfied customer before the story gets ahead of you.

Automated sentiment analysis

We use advanced sentiment detection to segment positive, negative and neutral mentions.

Instant notifications

Get instant alerts for negative mentions and engage key conversations before it’s too late.

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JennyT 47.7K Followers
20 min ago
Just visited Tessaro's Restaurant in Chicago.Excellentfood,wonderfulambiance andgreatservice!
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Robert J.
6 h ago
Dishonestservice. The room wasfine, however, the restaurant brought our starters and left us sitting for an hour before telling us they didn't have one of our meals.Disappointingexperience.

Improve customer satisfaction

Track & engage online reviews, social media mentions, blogs, message boards, news sites and much more.

Get to know your customers

Learn what people like or dislike about your company to improve communication.

Engage customers online

Access and engage online mentions to grow customer satisfaction.

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Katherine W. 791 Followers
23 min ago
Fen Airlines website isnot workingso I can't change my flight. I love them and usually they are great, but this is unacceptable.
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Fen Airlines 132K Followers
11 min ago
Sorry about this! We'd love to help you make the changes! Please send us your confirmation code in a DM and what flights you'd like to change to.
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Katherine W. 791 Followers
5 min ago
Wow!Thanks Guys! Much appreciated! <3
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What are people saying?

See why thousands of companies of all sizes use Brand24 to grow their businesses

I've been using Brand24 for the last few years and it is by farthe best monitoring tool on the market. I’ve compared it against others and they don’t even come close.
Sujan Patel

Founder atMailShake, Growth Marketer & Entrepreneur

Theuser interface of the tool is brilliant and really intuitiveand being able to compare projects to work out share of voice is extremely useful. The fact that it can also be used as a sentiment tracker and an influencer sourcing tool makes itextremely good value for money.
Anna Corbett

Head of Social Media atTogether Agency

We use Brand24发现社会警报和new audiences toengage with our brand.Between 2-3 times a day, we make sure to check in on our SM mentions and see if there are any relevant conversations going on that we can join.
Mai Bar-chen

Community & Social Media Manager atTailor Brands

我爱Brand24工具。In addition to be able tosee all mentions我的名字和品牌在网上,它还提供了我the opportunity toget notifications on other brandsand keywords I want to follow.
Melonie Dodaro

Social Media Expert & CEO ofTop Dog Social Media

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Measure your marketing / PR efforts

Find out how many people saw mentions for your brand. Track engagement, including Likes, Shares & Comments.

Automated reports

Save time using our daily/weekly reports. Export the data through PDF & Excel reports.

Important metrics

Track KPIs including Reach & Engagement.

Hashtag tracking

Track various hashtags and find influencers. Measure the effects of a hashtag campaign, like Reach and Engagement.

Hashtag reach

Access important hashtag metrics.

Hashtag volume

Measure number of mentions with a hashtag.

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You're ingood company

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World-class customer support

Customer service is not just a department, it is the philosophy behind our entire company.

Brand24 Academy

Media Monitoring Masterclass


Hi! I’m Chia and I’ll be guiding you through this class. This is where you’ll learn the foundations of media monitoring, including the essential skills you need to protect your online reputation across social media and the Internet — see you there!

Chia-Luen LeeDigital Creative atBrand24

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Have a look at our blog posts

What is sentiment analysis and how to do it by yourself

Sentiment analysis allows you to check how your target audience feels about your brand, product, or service.

Discover sentiment analysisArrow right
The ultimate guide to brand awareness

Here're bulletproof marketing tactics to build brand awareness and enjoy the fruits of a strong social media presence.

Build brand awarenessArrow right
How to measure the share of voice

The share of voice will help you to measure brand awareness, find influencers, and increase your market share!

Analyse the share of voiceArrow right
Guide to brand reputation management

Few words about what brand reputation management is, what it consists and why is it important for your business.

Manage brand reputationArrow right

It’s easy to get started

And it's free for 14 days. No credit card, no commitment.
