Mobile app marketing and analytics software





Benefit 1


Know your customers inside and out with powerful app and mobile analytics so you can deliver the brand experiences they want and value.

  • 发现什么推动了保留,收入,忠诚度和转换
  • Understand and stop customer churn, app uninstalls, and encourage conversions using predictive analytics

Deliver the next best action through personalized experiences.

Craft campaigns personalized with in-app and external customer data

  • Combine multiple layers of profile, behavioral and historical data for detailed audience segmentation
  • Engage across a variety of mobile app channels including app and web push, in-app messages, and app inbox
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Keep customers coming back by delivering personalized experiences through effective onboarding, compelling offers, and engaging content.

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Improve the app experience.

By knowing how your customers interact with your app, where they abandon actions, or what causes uninstalls, you can make informed decisions to continually improve your app.

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Translate app marketing campaigns to meaningful ROI.

Understand how campaigns and messages impact conversions, revenue, engagement, and retention.

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Tom Hillman
Mobile Marketing Manager Zipcar

The 6 Ws of Personalization

了解如何使用您在学校学到的6 WS建立智能个性化框架。


Get great insights from our app analytics tools and deliver app experiences tailored to your audience.


Media & Entertainment

Create a seamless experience that captivates audiences across channels.

  • 通过Breaking News Nervers宣布听众的通知
  • 根据用户兴趣和行为提供个性化的内容建议


Turn window shoppers into loyal customers.

  • 将个性化交易,促销和新产品警报放在客户的锁定屏幕上
  • Increase conversion with abandoned cart campaigns

Financial Services & Insurance


  • 创建入职活动,使客户能够控制其财务未来
  • 个性化消息传递,以指导客户采取下一个最佳动作

Travel and Hospitality


  • 提醒用户促销自己喜欢的目的地的促销活动
  • Send the most relevant deals and promotions with location-based targeting


Transform your business with an enhanced mobile experience.

  • Craft customer journeys that increase loyalty and retention
  • Prevent churn by using predictive analytics to act before customers drop off

Harness the power of connections

Extend customer engagement across all your touchpoints with powerful, seamless integrations

Movable Ink

  • 在您的移动活动中个性化创意者
  • Enhance the personalization of your email creatives with mobile app data

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Combine our app analytics and powerful mobile channels with your Salesforce marketing campaigns to deliver effective cross-channel engagement


Get to know your customers and drive engaging 1:1 interactions

Rich Mobile App & Web Analytics
  • 了解您的用户如何与应用程序互动,注意趋势和关联,并查看您的参与活动如何影响客户
  • Out-of-the-box and custom analytics reports
  • Explore and filter through your data, access your raw data, and get industry benchmarks to provide more perspective on your results
  • 通过预测分析,挽救客户有搅动或鼓励那些处于转换边缘的风险
Detailed Campaign Reporting
  • 超越点击并打开以了解参与,保留,转换以及对流失和卸载的影响
  • Improve ROI by knowing what is driving revenue and loyalty and what is bringing customers back to your app or website
  • Iterate on and improve your engagement as you discover what resonates with your customers and what campaigns drive desired results
  • Engage your app users with personalized app and web push notifications, in-app messages, and app inbox
  • 使用基于位置的消息传递和分析统一客户的数字和物理体验
Intelligent Personalization
  • 使用个人资料,行为和历史信息层的受众群体进行精确个性化
  • Create interactive experiences that reach across messaging channels using behaviorally triggered campaigns
  • Take the guesswork out of your campaigns with optimization features like personal delivery time
  • Know what messages resonate best with advanced A/B testing


Pair Upland Localytics with other products to engage customers across every marketing touchpoint.

Mobile Messaging

Text messaging software with feature-rich SMS, MMS, and mobile wallet.

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Enterprise marketing and email automation software that inspires engagement.

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Rant & Rave


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We’re your dedicated mobile app engagement partner, helping you develop the most impactful, results-driven campaigns to reach and exceed your goals.


Ready to get things done?
