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The #1 Consumer Intelligence Acceleration Platform


world’s mostimpactful品牌。

Profit from the formidable potential of real-time consumer data.

Leaders in The Forrester New Wave™

AI支持的消费者情报平台,Q3 2021


forrester 2021



获得最快的成长g global dataset which covers over 187 languages. Monitor every customer signal across text, video, image, audio. Never miss a critical conversation about your brand.

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Analyze customer and consumer data


Be customer intelligent

Analyze customer and consumer data from any source in one place, at scale, in real time. Quickly uncover critical customer themes and capture unseen business opportunities using our proprietary AI-engine, machine learning and NLP tools.

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Fast-track innovation

Take advantage of real-time market intelligence by tuning into the world’s largest focus group. Be the first to pinpoint emerging industry trends and insights to empower innovation strategies, accelerate innovation process and maximize business impact

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Three people sitting - Consumer Intelligence Acceleration


Consumers have changed, and continue to change. They want more. They want it now. They’re creating more and more new signals every second. Our AI-enabled consumer intelligence platform ingests billions of consumer signals to form a real-time picture. A complete picture of consumers. Speeding up the time it takes for you to find changes and adapt. Giving you precious time back to fine tune communication strategies and make smarter business decisions.

Get business value after 1 week

With Key Account Managers across the globe, we’ll ensure you’re quickly operational. Personalizing the Talkwalker platform to your specific consumer, brand, and market needs.


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Get business value after 1 week

With Key Account Managers across the globe, we’ll ensure you’re quickly operational. Personalizing the Talkwalker platform to your specific consumer, brand, and market needs.


Analyze customer and consumer data

Your guide to consumer intelligence

Better understand your consumers to make smart, data-driven business decisions and gain the competitive edge in your market.

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Analyze customer and consumer data

2022 sees sustainability as key to brand love


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UniCredit uses Talkwalker to focus on customers

How a European finance brand streamlined its communication and boosted its digital channels, while maintaining its reputation.

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Book your free Talkwalker demo


  • Build a stronger brand
  • Get deeper market understanding
  • 创建并优化有影响力的活动
  • Unlock smarter innovation
  • Design enhanced customer experiences

Trusted by over 2500 of the world's most impactful brands

free demo talkwalker - showing customers - Spotify, Dentsu, Golin, Diageo, PepsiCo. And awards from Forrester for consumer intelligence and social listening, Official Twitter Partner, and G2 Crowd