Website Monitoring, Web Application Monitoring & API Monitoring

Your website monitoring space, all in one place

Let’s face it—the Internet is a fragile thing. Stuff breaks or slows every now and then. Uptrends lets you know when it does and what happened exactly.

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Dashboard monitoring overview of performance, load times, uptime and errors
公司徽标,包括Microsoft,Vimeo,Zendesk,Vodafone和SpaceX 读Use Cases

Resolve website problems faster

It isn’t easy maintaining performant websites and APIs with high availability. By performingwebsite monitoring以设定的间隔(最多止至一分钟)和可靠的警报相结合,您可以快速解决问题,并改善整体网络性能。

Uptime monitoring map of worldwide checkpoints


At the core of Uptrends Synthetics is our worldwide network of229 checkpoints. Know yourwebsite uptime和website speed from anywhere in the world.

Web应用程序监视shopping cart transaction


监视器multi-step transactionssuch as shopping carts, checkouts, and logins. Set up scripts yourself, or let our support team handle it for you.

Web Performance Monitoring load time performance

Web Performance Monitoring

Quickly identify the source of issues withweb performance monitoringusing Chrome, Firefox, and IE. Receive load-time alerts, and view detailed waterfall reports.

Multi-step API Monitoring uptime and response


连续设置API monitoring监视不断变化的情况。监视API正常运行时间并设置呼叫以验证您的API响应。

合成监视器ing downtime uptime

Uptrends Synthetics

监视器the uptime, performance, and accuracy of your websites, APIs, web applications, and servers. Test multi-step API calls, and check your websites using real browsers.

Real User Monitoring metrics

Uptrends RUM



Uptrends Infra

检查和监控网络内的一切. Diagnose performance and availability issues across your entire technology stack forestalling bottlenecks and outages.

“We are able to act very quickly; our average time to respond to outages has gone down.”
Bitly DevOps主任Kyle Moschetto

Make your site faster and your users happier

See howreal users通过查看每个浏览器,操作系统,位置和设备类型的加载时间来体验您的网站。

Combine RUM with Synthetics for a completeDigital Experience Monitoringstrategy.

  • Get location-based performance metrics straight from your visitors' locations arranged by country and state.
  • 根据他们实际使用的技术,微调您的网站的性能,以使客户受益。
  • 查看每个环境变量如何影响性能。
Tell me more about RUM
Dashboard of Real User Monitoring, load time and performance

读y to engage?

Start your website monitoring journey today and test the Uptrends monitoring platform (Uptrends Synthetics, RUM, and Infra) free for 30 days. Your full-featured trial expires automatically, and we don’t need your credit card.

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