Find Long Tail Keywords
Rank Higher in Google

Grow your business to the next level by improving your SEO strategy.

How Long Tail Pro Works

长尾巴prohelps you find thousands of long tail keywords you can rank for.


Run keyword & competitor analysis based on 
13 metrics

Determine Keyword Profitability with 
Rank Value

Stay on top of your rankings with
Rank Tracker

3 Tried-And-Tested Methods for Keyword Research


使用长尾pro,只需一个seed keyword to get up to 400 long tail keywords within seconds.


No problem — just create filters based on your average CPC bid, search volume, rank value, and many more. Say goodbye to never-ending spreadsheets and simplify your keyword selection process!


Sometimes, the best way to do keyword research is to let your competitors do all the work.

By switching to the Competitor Keywords mode, you start with a competitor’s page or domain URL and watch as Long Tail Pro dissects their keyword strategy. Compare the keyword suggestions using all the metrics that matter.

Skip the number crunching and get straight to keywords that are proven to work!



确保它带来有利可图的结果。使用Long Tail Pro瞬间提起关键字指标,并了解其对您的广告系列的工作状况。



One of the must-have features in a keyword suggestion tool is a way to measure difficulty.


长尾巴protakes keyword competitiveness to a whole new level.

Using the average keyword competitiveness metric, you can calculate the viability of keyword ideas for your brand on a scale of 0 to 100.

Don’t let the plethora of meaningless metrics from other tools turn your keyword analysis into paralysis — let Long Tail Pro’s proprietary algorithm do the heavy lifting for you, giving you nothing but relevant keyword data.

All you need to do is enter your domain URL to your Long Tail Pro and calibrate the keyword competitiveness recommendation for your project. The tool color-codes keywords according to their difficulty, with green being easy, yellow being moderately difficulty, and unshaded being out of your reach.

Be Ahead in Search: Tools to Spy on Your Competitors

Long Tail Pro是SEO关键字工具,可以帮助您统治竞争对手。

产生长尾关键字的想法之后,您就可以conduct a website

竞争分析of the top sites that appear in SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages.


Wondering if you should use the keyword for SEO or PPC? Long Tail Pro shows a SERP breakdown for Google keyword ideas that reflect the most effective method, be it PPC or organic listings.

Cut the Guesswork: Get Updated Rank Data Daily

Running your marketing campaigns based on “guesstimates” can be detrimental for your business.

Your every move must be guided by hard, cold data. That’s why Long Tail Pro comes with a built-in Rank Tracker to help you determine whether or not your strategy works.


Long Tail Pro将更新每个关键字(每日)的排名,以帮助您做出最关键的决策。

Become a Long Tail Pro Expert


让自己从长尾专业人士开始library of video tutorials that covers a plethora of topics — from finding seed keywords to creating content that rakes in quality backlinks.

Begin your journey with Long Tail Bootcamp, which covers the fundamentals of keyword research and activities beyond the Long Tail Pro platform.

基础之后,跳入Long Tail University for more advanced lessons about digital marketing, competitive analysis, link building, and content strategy.


什么Experts Think?

Trusted by Industry Leaders

什么Experts Think?

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Choose The Best Plan For You

$ 207.90/year
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 800
KC calculations per 24 hours 800
每24小时的SERP查找 800
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 30
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 2
Pages crawled per Crawl 250
Crawls per day 2
每个项目爬网 2
Account Management
同时登录 1
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call N
SEO Templates & Worksheets N
$ 537
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 2500
KC calculations per 24 hours 2500
每24小时的SERP查找 2500
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 200
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 5
Pages crawled per Crawl 1000
Crawls per day 10
每个项目爬网 10
Account Management
同时登录 3
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call 每月1个月
SEO Templates & Worksheets Y
$ 1177
$ 823.90/year
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 6000
KC calculations per 24 hours 6000
每24小时的SERP查找 6000
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 1000
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 10
Pages crawled per Crawl 2000
Crawls per day 30
每个项目爬网 30
Account Management
同时登录 5
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call 每月2个月
SEO Templates & Worksheets Y
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 800
KC calculations per 24 hours 800
每24小时的SERP查找 800
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 30
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 2
Pages crawled per Crawl 250
Crawls per day 2
每个项目爬网 2
Account Management
同时登录 1
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call N
SEO Templates & Worksheets N
Most Popular
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 2500
KC calculations per 24 hours 2500
每24小时的SERP查找 2500
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 200
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 5
Pages crawled per Crawl 1000
Crawls per day 10
每个项目爬网 10
Account Management
同时登录 3
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call 1per month
SEO Templates & Worksheets Y
Keyword Research
Keyword results per 24 hours 6000
KC calculations per 24 hours 6000
每24小时的SERP查找 6000
定制难度目标 Y
Keyword Profitability Y
CPC and Advertiser Competition Y
Filtering and keyword grouping Y
Export Results 无限
Rank Tracker
跟踪的关键字 1000
跟踪域 无限
Rank Updates Daily
等级跟踪器电子邮件通知 Y
没有项目 10
Pages crawled per Crawl 2000
Crawls per day 30
每个项目爬网 30
Account Management
同时登录 5
SEO Training & Support
电子邮件和聊天支持 Y
SEO Specialist call 每月2个月
SEO Templates & Worksheets Y

你为什么要定位Long Tail Keywords?

1. They’re easier to rank for

Everybody is fighting over generic keywords, which makes them really hard to rank for. But in reality, the most popular keywords aren’t the most profitable ones. It’s easier to rank for “automate long tail keyword research” than for “keyword research tool”, and it’s more relevant for your users.

In many cases, just by writing a great piece of content that uses long tail keywords, you can dramatically improve your rankings.

When Omniconvert, a conversion rate optimization platform decided to update one of their older articles, they made it twice as long and used more long tail keywords, which resulted in a 300% traffic increase from Google.


单击编辑按钮以更改此文本。Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet,Consectur adipiscing Elit。Ut Elit Tellus,Luctus Nec Ullamcorper Mattis,Pulvinar Dapibus Leo。

3. It’s where your conversions originate

单击编辑按钮以更改此文本。Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet,Consectur adipiscing Elit。Ut Elit Tellus,Luctus Nec Ullamcorper Mattis,Pulvinar Dapibus Leo。

长尾案例研究:第一页排名,流量和在线销售 needed help increasing organic traffic and online sales.


Michael used Long Tail Pro to build a list of target keywords the site could realistically rank for over the next 3-6 months.

超过the next six months, Michael would create and rank content for dozens of the long tail keywords.

and generated over 780,000 organic visits in 18 months.


超过70K MarketersThat Have Used Long Tail Pro Recommend Us


“Before you decide to pull the trigger on a business, you first have to figure out what you are going to sell. A tool that I highly recommend for this kind of niche research is Long Tail Pro”

Steve Chou,

Hayden Miyamoto Logo

“The software's been around for a while, but as far as Keyword Research goes, I don't see anything on the market that can beat it.”

Hayden Miyamoto,

Sam Surely-[Optim eyes]

《了不起的文章+关键字研究……随着name suggests, it helps uncover long tail search queries otherwise missed!”

Sam Hurley,

Are you ready to get keyword ranking reports delivered to your inbox?

How Long Tail Pro Works

长尾巴prohelps you find thousands of long tail keywords you can rank for.


3 Tried-And-Tested Methods for Keyword Research


使用长尾pro,只需一个seed keywordto get up to 400 long tail keywords within seconds. Need to find keywords that meet your preferences fast? No problem — just create过滤器根据您的平均CPC出价,搜索量,等级价值等等。告别无休止的电子表格并简化您的关键字选择过程!


Sometimes, the best way todo keyword researchis to let your competitors do all the work. By switching to the竞争者关键字mode, you start with acompetitor’s pageordomain URLand watch as Long Tail Pro dissects their keyword strategy. Compare the keyword suggestions using all the metrics that matter. Skip the number crunching and get straight to keywords that are proven to work!


已经有您需要的关键字吗?确保它带来有利可图的结果。Use Long Tail Pro topull up keyword metrics瞬间并了解它对您的竞选活动的工作能力。一次可以完成多达200个手动关键字条目,这没什么可以减慢您的速度!



One of the must-have features in a keyword suggestion tool is a way to measure困难. Other keyword research tools break down their keyword competitiveness into three levels:低的,中等的, andHigh. Long Tail Pro takes keyword competitiveness to a whole new level. Using the average keyword competitiveness metric, you can calculate the viability of keyword ideas for your brand on a scale of 0 to 100. Don’t let the plethora of meaningless metrics from other tools turn your keyword analysis into paralysis — let Long Tail Pro’s proprietary algorithm do the heavy lifting for you, giving you nothing but relevant keyword data. All you need to do is enter your domain URL to your Long Tail Pro and calibrate the keyword competitiveness recommendation for your project. The toolcolor-codes关键字根据他们的困难,绿色的being easy,yellowbeing moderately difficulty, andunshadedbeing out of your reach.


Be Ahead in Search: Tools to Spy on Your Competitors

Long Tail Pro是SEO关键字工具,可以帮助您统治竞争对手。生成后long tail keyword想法,您可以进行网站竞争分析of the top sites that appear in SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages. Uncover in-depth metrics such asTrust Flow, Citation Flow, Site Age, and Referring Domainsto gauge your chances of outranking them. Of course, you can also copy a competitor’s page URL and plug it into the keyword research tool to get a glimpse of their keyword strategy. Wondering if you should use the keyword for SEO or PPC? Long Tail Pro shows a SERP breakdown for Google keyword ideas that reflect the most effective method, be it PPC or organic listings.


Cut the Guesswork: Get Updated Rank Data Daily

Running your marketing campaigns based on “guesstimates” can be detrimental for your business. Your every move must be guided by hard, cold data. That’s why Long Tail Pro comes with a built-inRank Tracker帮助您确定策略是否有效。这Rank Tracker允许您check the keyword ranking关键搜索术语的网站。只需输入您的域或页面URL并填写目标关键字。Long Tail Pro将更新每个关键字(每日)的排名,以帮助您做出最关键的决策。


A Backlink Analysis and Keyword Suggestion Tool Rolled Into One

Long Tail Pro不仅仅是一个长尾关键字生成器。这也是一个综合的SEO工具,可以沿着任何页面的反向链接配置文件进行钻探。跟踪每个反向链接到您的根域或任何特定页面无麻烦。只需输入URL,让Long Tail Pro完成其余的工作。这All标签显示所有反向链接以及参考域的Trust Flow,Citation Flow, andAnchor Text用过的。这NewTAB将显示发现的最新反向链接,这使您可以监视链接构建活动的结果。分析竞争对手的反向链接资料,以赶上他们最新的链接来源并构建您自己的链接 - 这一切都是关于狡猾和无情的!最后,LostTAB将显示您最近丢失的所有反向链接。这将使您有机会与正确的网站管理员联系以恢复您的链接。


Become a Long Tail Pro Expert

长尾巴训练营and Long Tail University Courses
刚开始?让自己从长尾专业人士开始library of video tutorialsthat covers a plethora of topics — from finding seed keywords to creating content that rakes in quality backlinks. Begin your journey with长尾巴训练营,它涵盖了长时间专业平台以外的关键字研究和活动的基础。基础之后,跳入Long Tail Universityfor more advanced lessons about digital marketing, competitive analysis, link building, and content strategy.

Social Proof


what experts think

Trusted by Industry Leaders


I’m a fan of Long Tail Pro! It’s a powerful keyword research tool that I’ve used and am very impressed. I definitely recommend Long Tail Pro. It’s a must-have tool for any SEO or Internet Marketer.


Choose The Best Plan For You


1. They’re easier to rank for

Everybody is fighting over generic keywords, which makes them really hard to rank for. But in reality, the most popular keywords aren’t the most profitable ones. It’s easier to rank for “automate long tail keyword research” than for “keyword research tool”, and it’s more relevant for your users. In many cases, just by writing a great piece of content that uses long tail keywords, you can dramatically improve your rankings. When Omniconvert, a conversion rate optimization platform decided to update one of their older articles, they made it twice as long and used more long tail keywords, which resulted in a300% traffic increase from Google.


Many industry studies have come to the same conclusion, that about 70% of organic traffic goes to long tail keywords.
Which is more reason to go after the easy wins rather than fighting tooth-and-nail to get an *ok* position for a generic term. While you’re losing sleep over this:

People are actually looking for:

3. It’s where your conversions originate

这more specific the query, the further down the buying cycle your visitor is.

Which one of these users is more likely to buy?

Long tail keywords now account for70% of all online searches和转换2.5x more often比头部术语:

所以他们更容易军衔,他们更relevant for your users and bring in more revenue. Are you leveraging these keywords in your business yet?


Case Study UV Coach needed help increasing organic traffic and online sales. A key component to achieving success was identifying keywords to target, and rank for, across each stage of the buyer journey. Michael used长尾巴proto build a list of target keywords the site could realistically rank for over the next 3-6 months. Over the next six months, Michael would create and rank content for dozens of the long tail keywords. The results: This propelled the site to160,000 monthly visitors,并产生780,000 organic visits in 18 months.

Choose The Best Plan For You

Join Over 70K Marketers


“Before you decide to pull the trigger on a business, you first have to figure out what you are going to sell. A tool that I highly recommend for this kind of niche research is Long Tail Pro”Steve Chou, ★★★★★
“The software’s been around for a while, but as far as Keyword Research goes, I don’t see anything on the market that can beat it.”Hayden Miyamoto, ★★★★★
“对于文章 +关键字研究的奇妙……顾名思义,它有助于发现长时间的尾巴搜索查询,否则会错过!”Sam Hurley, ★★★★★