Are you looking for a new challenge to try out on TikTok?

If so, you're in luck!

In this blog post, I will list 10 of the most popular challenges that have been trending on the app. Whether you're looking for something funny, daring, or creative, I've got you covered.

So what are you waiting for? Start trying out these challenges today.


Tiktok挑战是一项任务或a dare that users can attempt并拍摄自己在做。这些挑战可能是有创造力的,大胆的,甚至有趣的。



您还记得Jimmy Fallons的炒作#TumbleWeed挑战吗?迄今为止,它超过了3800万观看次数。





TikTok challenges are a great way to showcase your creativity, have some fun, and connect with other users on the app.

By participating in these challenges, you can also gain more followers and likes on your videos. This is because users who see yourTikTok challenge videosare likely to check out your other content and follow you if they enjoy what they see.

Additionally, TikTok challenges provide you with an opportunity to be featured on the app's Discover page. This can help you reach a wider audience andgain even more viewsand followers.

Some of the最受欢迎的Tiktok挑战以二重奏完成,这意味着您可以与朋友或家人一起拍摄自己。这是一种与他人建立联系的好方法,同时仍在社交疏远和在家中保持安全。

现在你知道benefits of participating in TikTok challenges,让我们看一下该应用程序上最受欢迎的一些最受欢迎的内容。


Below, I've listed the most popular TikTok challenges that have been trending on the app. Whether you're looking for something funny, creative, or daring, I've got you covered.

So what are you waiting for? Start trying out these challenges today.

1. The Lip Sync Challenge

The first challenge on my list is the Lip Sync Challenge. This challenge is pretty self-explanatory: all you have to do islip-sync to your favorite song



You can either do this challenge with a friend or by yourself. If you decide to do it with a friend, make sure to choose a song that you both know well. Otherwise, you'll just end up making a fool of yourself.


While the#lipsyncchallenge从唇部同步的歌曲开始,Tiktok用户从那以后就开始创造性,并开始进行电影对话,电视节目剪辑甚至有声读物。



This challenge is all aboutdoing your makeup fast-forward。而且,它已经结束了12亿观看次数as of today.



This is a great way to see how much time you actually spend on your makeup routine and it is also a fun way to see how your makeup looks when applied in a hurry.

Some TikTok users got creative with their TikTok video for the #DontRushChallenge. One user did her makeup in the style of a popular painting, while another userfilmed herself following her daily skincare routineinstead of doing makeup.


3. The Face Wax Challenge


It seems painful, but also strangely satisfying at the same time.



我不确定自己能做到,但是这里有一些带有标签标签的趋势tiktok视频,例如“ #facewaxchallenge”,“ #facewaxing”和“ #waxingvideos:”

4. The Cha-Cha Slide Challenge



First, choose a song that has the Cha-Cha Slide in it. Next, choose a dance partner. Then, start practicing your moves.



This challenge involved dangerous acts of balancing over a tower of empty milk crates arranged in the form of a staircase. The crates were precariously balanced on top of each other, and the participants had to make their way up the staircase without knocking over any of the crates.

The challenge was designed to test the participants' agility and balance, as well as their ability to think quickly on their feet. It was a test of nerve as much as it was a test of physical ability.

The participants had to be careful not to put too much weight on any one crate, as that could cause the entire structure to collapse. The slightest misstep could result in a dangerous fall.

牛奶箱挑战caused serious injuryto many people, which is why TikTok had to ultimately ban the #CrateChallenge and also remove all videos tagged with “#milkcratechallenge” and “#cratechallenge.”


6. The Silhouette Challenge

As the challenge began to gain traction, more and more people started posting their own versions of the Silhouette Challenge. The trend quickly went viral, with people of all ages and backgrounds posting their own takes on the challenge.

The challenge itself is simple: participants take a photo of themselves in front of a well-lit window, ensuring that their outline is visible. They then post the photo online, using the hashtag #SilhouetteChallenge.

Despite its simplicity, the challenge has produced some truly stunning results, with people getting creative with their poses and backgrounds. Some tried to portray horror themes while others went for a more romantic approach.



So if you’re looking for a new way to spice up your TikTok feed, why not give the Silhouette Challenge a go? You might just be surprised by the results.


The Blackout Challenge is one of the most dangerous challenges of all time. It is also referred to as the choking challenge or the pass-out challenge.

The challenge asks users to film themselves holding their breath for as long as possible in a completely dark room. The goal is to see how long they can last without passing out. But the lack of oxygen eventually leads to them passing out and may also cause brain damage and even death.

一名来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)的12岁,约书亚·海莱耶斯(Joshua Haileyesus)参加了挑战。他在家里被发现无反应,并得到了19天的生活支持,但无法回到世界上。

It's unclear how long Joshua had been holding his breath, but his family believes he accidentally choked himself with a shoelace while attempting the challenge.


Though it was one of the most viral challenges, it was banned for being extremely dangerous and all videos tagged with “#blackoutchallenge” were removed as per TikTok's community guidelines.


Dance is the second most-watched TikTok category with181 billionviews, only after the “Entertainment” category. And within the “Dance” category, there are a variety of popular dance challenges that users can participate in.

Right now, one of the most popular TikTok dance challenges is the#RenegadeChallenge

叛徒挑战的原始视频是由14岁的Jalaiah Harmon创建的,他编排了K Camp的歌曲“ Lottery(Renegade)”的舞蹈。

Harmon’s dance quickly went viral on TikTok, with people of all ages and backgrounds learning and performing the choreography. The Renegade Challenge has been so popular that even celebrities like Lizzo and Will Smith have done it.



9. DIY Vampire Fangs挑战


Some TikTok users have been using false teeth kits, which you can buy online or at a Halloween store. Others use putty, modeling clay, or other materials found around the house to make their own fangs.


  • 首先,找到一块白色粘土。您可以使用任何类型的粘土,但是白色将是最容易使用的。如果您没有粘土,可以尝试使用一块白色造型巧克力甚至棉花糖。
  • 下一个, roll the clay into a long, thin rope. This will be the base of your fangs.
  • 现在,取两个小球并将其塑造成点。这些将是您的牙齿的提示。
  • Attach the points to the base, and then use a toothpick or other sharp object to make indentations on the front and back of each fang.
  • 现在,是时候烤你的尖牙。预热你的机汇en to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and then place your fangs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the clay is firm to the touch.
  • Once your fangs are baked, you can paint them with food coloring or nail polish to give them a more realistic look.

Challenge accepted?

太好了,但这是一个警告 - 发现一些用户超级粘在毒牙中,这不仅危险,而且痛苦地去除。因此,请确保不要冒险并在没有超级胶水的情况下安全地放置毒牙。




The premise is simple enough – take a photo of yourself holding a towel in front of your face. But the results are often hilarious, as people try to contort their features into all sorts of strange shapes.



The Best Apps for Making TikTok Challenge Videos

现在我们已经讨论了十个Tiktok顶级挑战, it's time to get started on making your own. But first, you'll need the right apps to participate well in the trending TikTok challenges.


  • 视频盘
  • Inshot
  • 好奇
  • Tiktok调度程序
  • 电动导演

这些应用程序和工具可以帮助您作出创造性的一个d fun TikTok videos that will get you noticed. With the right apps, making a TikTok challenge video is easy and fun.


Also check out:5个最佳工具用于在线添加视频剪辑过滤器


1. What challenges are trending on TikTok?


  • 嘴唇同步挑战
  • The #DontRush challenge
  • The face wax challenge
  • The renegade dance challenge
  • The DIY vampire fangs challenge


  • 首先,您需要提出一个创造性和独特的挑战,以吸引人们的注意力。
  • 其次,您需要确保您的挑战是可以实现的,而且不太困难。
  • 第三,您需要促进挑战并吸引尽可能多的人参与。

If you can tick all of these boxes, then you're on your way to starting a successful TikTok challenge. Good luck!

PS:您还应该考虑在best times to post在应用程序上。

3. What are some fun TikTok challenges for couples?
There are so many fun TikTok challenges for couples. Here are just a few of my favorites:

  • 嘴唇同步挑战
  • The “14 questions for couples” challenge
  • 脱离毛巾挑战
  • 这对夫妇恶作剧挑战
  • 杯赛挑战

Which one of these TikTok challenges for couples will you try first?


  1. “Lottery (Renegade)” by K Camp
  2. “Cha-Cha Slide” by DJ Casper
  3. “The Git Up” by Blanco Brown
  4. “Cupid Shuffle” by Cupid
  5. “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo
  6. 邮政马龙的“圆圈”
  7. 我和我的“舞猴”
  8. 亚利桑那Zervas的“ Roxanne”
  9. 杰森·德鲁洛(Jason Derulo)和下巴(Jawsh)685
  10. 肖恩·保罗(Sean Paul),蓬松和香料(Spice)


The TikTok app is very popular for making short videos. There are many different challenges that people can do on the app, and some of them are very creative.

最受欢迎的挑战之一是Lip Sync挑战,人们会在其中唇彩进行歌曲或对话。其他热门人士包括舞蹈挑战,人们炫耀自己的舞蹈技巧以及#DontrushChallenge,人们在这里发布了自己化妆的快速视频。

You can also try your hand at attempting various TikTok challenges. If you're feeling creative, try making up your own challenge and seeing if it catches on. Who knows, you could be the next TikTok challenge sensation.

Have you tried any of the TikTok challenges to增长您的Tiktok的知名度?您最喜欢哪些?在下面的评论中让我知道。